Sammie Barkto - USA (artist)
A1. I have always been artistic. I actually have a degree in graphic design. Many years after I graduated college I saw a face painter at a festival and decided to give it a try. I some research, ordered kit and the rest was history.
A2. A few years after starting face painting I decided to attend a FABAIC convention. There I entered my first face painting competition and took second place in the semi-pro division. I also received an award for the 2011 upcoming artist. During FABAIC I was introduced to body art and was hooked. It was one of the most amazing art for I had seen. So I came home and did my first painting on my husband.
A3. I’m not sure if you would call it an event. I was a contestant on GSN’s Skin Wars. Out side of that I attended FABAIC. There I competed in the face and body art competitions. I also have been a judge and an instructor at these conventions.
A5. Time varies on each piece that I paint. It all depends on the amount of detail there is in the piece that I am painting.
A6. I find painting to be relaxing and a bit of therapy for me.
A7. I love what I call story telling design. It’s body where turn the person into a character and then paint the story within the body art.
A8. One of my favorite products to date is monster pasties for the breast. Then for the bottoms I find a seamless panty for the comfort of the model.
A9. First I decided on the art I am going to create. Then design the headpiece or accessories that will compliment the art.
A10. I would say pick up a kit and just go for it. There is no right or wrong on how to paint. Be sure to experiment with techniques and create your own style. Just make sure you use products that are safe for the and their skin.