John Jones- UK (artist)
A1. I used to face paint at holiday parks in the early 90’s, then took it up again about 6 years ago and posted some of my work on line which was spotted by Sarah Smith who invited me to join the Midlands Bodypaint Project for a body paint gathering. I was immediately hooked and haven;t looked back since.
A2. I started face painting because it was my daughter;a birthday and felt I could do a good job without paying someone else to do it. Body painting was really a logical next step to express myself through this type of art.
A3. Sarah Smith and the Midlands Body;ain’t Project, various models, artists and photographers.
A4. What has been the biggest event you have attended and what categories did you enter?
A5. Anything between 4-7 hours
A6. It’s all part of the job
A7. I love bio-mechanics and body definition styles. I tend to paint a lot of character type designs
A8. Smooth synthetic thong or pants that take paint easily, latex or silicone nipple covers.
A9. I work with Wayne Goldson who is a prop maker; we create ideas together so through the props and paint we work together. I don’t always use props though.
A10. Eat and drink throughout your paint. It can take a king time and if you don’t look after yourself and take occasional breaks, you can feel faint or exhausted, your eyes might strain, so it’s important to break it up with a walk around and refreshments and food to keep your strength up. It’s very important to make sure you look after your model and ensure they are doing the same. It can be a gruelling job for a model to stand still for 6 hours, so always make a point of reminding them to eat and drink or take a break whenever they want. Also - do your homework on products and make sure you use safe equipment for use on skin.