Cathy Suzuki - model (UK)
A1. I started by joining some Facebook groups local to my area and registered interest in being a model. The first paint I ever did was a Matteo Arfanotti prosthetics workshop, things kind of snowballed from there.
A2. People always ask me this, but I genuinely just woke up one day and decided it was something I wanted to try - this is just another in a wide range of weird hobbies that I have.
A3. Clemency Bedford has painted me the most, but I also enjoy being painted by a variety of people as you get to make new friends that way, and embody a range of art styles.
A4. Brush Wars, which is held in London Olympia. I entered the Bodypainting Professional Category as a model.
A5. It varies, but I’d say around 6-8 hours painting and getting ready, an hour for photography and an hour scrubbing it off at home. So up to 10 hours in total!
A6. You can usually take breaks whenever you need to, so it’s not so bad - trying not to automatically lock out my knees is the most challenging part for me. I also bring lots of snacks, so I graze all day which keeps me entertained.
A7. Either feminine and glittery designs, or heavy use of prosthetics so that I don’t recognize myself when I look in the mirror.
A8. Normally a pair of nude-coloured underwear and nipple covers are worn. How much coverage they provide is up to you and your artist.
A9. Normally at the beginning of the day the artist will run you through their plans, and you can discuss or negotiate at that point.
A10. Don’t let any insecurities you might have about your body stop you from giving it a go! My body confidence has increased since I started modeling.